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Sleep Regression Survival Kit Digital Class

Has The 4 Month Regression Hit You Hard?

Most new parents  aren’t aware of the 4 month sleep regression until their baby's current sleep habits suffers a setback…..

Your baby used to sleep right through the night


woke a few times but was easily settled back to sleep after a feed…..

But then the dreaded 4 Month Sleep regression hit & not only does your baby's sleep at night & nap time suffer but your baby starts to get  cranky  & clingy and just seems to cry allllll the time…

Your baby wants to be in your arms all day long BUT it feels like no matter what you do, your baby just isn't happy or any  good mood is fleeting ( both your baby’s mood and yours)...

You feel  overwhelmed....

Totally  touched out...

Frustrated at not being able keep your baby  happy.

You’re annoyed at all the conflicting advice google & well meaning  friends & family  share with you.

You wonder if maybe  you should you try 'Cry it out' even though the idea of it  makes you feel tearful yourself.

Your  patience feels pushed to the limits and sleep deprivation has you close to losing your sh$t ( if you haven’t lost it already!)

You heard about the 4 month regression and all the development thereafter but didnt realise the impact it would have on your baby's sleep and its hit your household HARD!!

You know that your baby is struggling too, you know that you are your baby’s safe haven but what you thought would be a minor blip for a week or so  is a now major problem weeks later.

And it's hard without a decent amount of sleep ...really freaking HARD!

Sleep feels like a major challenge that you just can’t seem to overcome.

I totally get it, i’ve been where you are myself, sleep deprivation makes parenting a child of any age challenging but when its your baby it just feels relentless….they can't tell you what's up with them and your too sleep deprived to know or figure out what to do for the best.


I’ve helped & supported hundreds of mums in your shoes right now

Helping them and  their babies navigate through the dreaded 4 month regression & the developmental storm that occurs during month 4, 5 & 6 of your baby's life.


There is a way through it all, a way of making life easier for you and your baby &  I want to share with you what I've shared with those mums to help them get sleep back on track.

I can show you what to expect,

How to navigate through  this developmental phase

How to help your baby adjust to the changes this sleep regression brings

How to gently teach your baby to sleep more and more independently

Why & how  taking care of yourself during this phase is equally as important too!

You can learn how to conquer the 4 month sleep regression & the developmental storm at 5 & 6 months in the digital class i created specifically to help mums like you!

Is this class for me?

  • Is your baby between 12 - 24 weeks?
  • Has your baby’s sleep regressed recently ?
  • Are you worried about The 4 month regression & how to get through it or avoid it altogether?
  • Is sleep just NOT happening and you’ve had months of minimal sleep?
  • Are you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted?

This class is exactly what you need!!!

In this class we cover:


  • What the 4 month regression really is and & why it impacts  sleep
  • Development at months 4, 5 & 6 & how it impacts sleep
  • How to minimise night wakings
  • Nailing naps &  your daily routine
  • Eliminating unhelpful sleep associations & bedtime routines
  • How to gently reduce night feeds and night wean
  • How to develop & nurture independent sleep habits
  • Gentle soothing & settling techniques.

Sound like exactly what you need right now?

Scroll down to the bottom and order this class. 

After you make your payment you'll be emailed a link to access this digital 3 part class. 

Whats more, is that its yours to watch again and again!

After this class you will know exactly why your little one is so cranky and resisting sleep, you'll know why they find sleep so challenging and you’ll know how to help them get the sleep they need too.

No sleep training,

No more battles at bedtime.

No more  missed naps or cat napping.

No Crying it out.

Just the real deal when it comes to baby sleep and methods and techniques that work!!

Increasing your knowledge about the changes your baby is experiencing & how to help them through it will boost your confidence & empower you. 

You'll feel so much better knowing why your baby is struggling & how to support them through it.

Order this amazing class today for £45.00

  • Common sense,  simple tips that can easily fit into life for you and your baby
  • Everything you need to know about the 4 Month regression and its impact
  • Tips for self care for mums ( massively important )


Click the button below to  order your class now!

Order Your Sleep Regression Survival Kit Digital Class. You can watch & start getting more sleep NOW!