How To Protect Yourself & Your Family During The Coronavirus Pandemic
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The following information is curated from the UK Government website & the UK National Health Service website. It is Important that you follow the government guidleines for the country within which you are located. These tips will still help you to minimise the chances of becoming infected by the co vid 19 virus.
The first thing we can do to protect ourselves and our families is to STAY AT HOME. Here in the UK, we are not on government-enforced lockdown YET. But News media has shown that many people are ignoring the advice to socially distance and so it may not be long before a lockdown is imposed.
Please please avoid any non-essential trips. I know being stuck at home with the kids can be a stressful but it’s your little ones that will be protected by following these guidelines.
Stay on top of your hand hygiene even throughout social distancing or self-isolation.
Handwashing frequently will reduce transmission in of this virus.
The WHO guidelines specify washing hands regularly. I personally have been washing my hands anytime i come in from being outside, before and after cooking, after using the bathroom and before and after contact with babies and children, and during commercial breaks when I’m watching TV.
I have been encouraging my children to do the same and get them to sing happy birthday twice when they do it.
Getting our little ones to be cleaner with hand hygiene is hugely important. Studies have shown that while children experience milder symptoms, they can easily pass on germs as their symptoms can be easily missed.
Additionally, I have regularly been cleaning surfaces around the house that we all touch frequently too with antibacterial sprays or a damp cloth soaked in diluted Dettol solution.
These have included:
Mobile phones & tablets
All remote controls for the tv and the TV buttons on my TVs
Light switches
Door handles
Tap handles
Toilet flush handles.
Social Distancing - here in the UK we have been advised to socially distance with all non-essential trips on public transport and outside the home discouraged.
All schools and leisure venues have been shut and small and large gatherings socially even with family and friends discouraged to reduce the possible transmission of Coronavirus. This weekend is proof that any of us are NOT taking this advice seriously. With Italy and Spain already in lockdown & their hospitals stretched to capacity, it seems that if we here in the UK don’t follow suit and quickly we could end up in a worse situation in the coming.
Please please PLEASE whether you have symptoms or not it’s important to protect yourself and your family by staying at home as much as possible to minimise the spread of this infectious virus.
Shielding the vulnerable.
According to the UK government, anyone with an underlying health condition is considered vulnerable the elderly & pregnant women too and are at the most risk of suffering serious consequences as a result of contracting co-vid 19. staying at home and minimising your exposure to this virus can help shield the more vulnerable members of our community you may come into contact with. According to the UK government studies have shown that young ppl are at less risk of serious illness however they can still be carriers of the infection to others Younger people and children are less likely to die from coronavirus, but their milder symptoms could make them contagious carriers of the virus – as they are more difficult to spot. I know its tough with older members of the community already feeling the effects of loneliness but please avoid visiting your more vulnerable relatives. Friends and neighbours, call them on the phone, video chat with them instead. We need to protect and shield them from this virus
If you have displayed symptoms such as a new and continuous cough and or a high temperature its important for you to self isolate for 7 days
Self-isolation is staying at home for 7 days from the onset of any symptoms you may have if you live alone. if you live with others and you are the first in the household to have symptoms of coronavirus, then you must stay at home for 7 days, but all other household members who remain well must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days. The 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in the house became ill. If you experience symptoms.
If you have symptoms and are breastfeeding it is safe to continue breastfeeding.
You can wear a mask if you have one to prevent the spread of moisture droplets should you cough
wash your hands before and after feeding and before handling your baby.
If you are too ill to feed you can express milk instead but be sure to maintain handwashing before and after pumping and sterilising any feeding & pumping equipment too.